Our calendar tells us that spring has arrived. Signs of spring are evident throughout our garden. Snowdrops are in bloom and some of the daffodil foliage is emerging. In shaded areas, there are still some mounds of snow. The start of Daylight Saving Time has given us an extra hour of welcome sunlight.
This is a good time to cut some of the forsythia branches and place them in containers of water indoors. Before long, having been “forced” into blooming, they will add some welcome color to our homes.
Of course, it’s best not to walk on really wet ground if possible. That’s why I’m glad that some of our gardens have cement stepping stones for edging with occasional ones placed here and there, to provide good walking surfaces.
This is a good time to refresh the outdoor planters, especially the one at the top of our front steps. The rhododendron and evergreen cuttings that were used at Christmas time are turning brown. Not very welcoming for sure.
Here and there as we walk around taking inventory, we notice that our animal visitors have left us some “gifts.” More than likely, they’re from the deer. Sadly, there have been several automobile accidents in the neighborhood, resulting in deer deaths or car damages. Thank goodness no humans have been hurt. We’ve seen some coyotes and suspect that there may be some bunnies around. At least, no bear sightings have been reported, as they have in other towns.
This is the time when I usually sow our poppy seeds. Our favorites have been a courtesy media gift from Renee’s Garden, Hungarian breadseed poppies. Mixing them with a bit of sand or sugar in the envelope so that they spread more readily, I simply shake them here and there in different areas of the garden. Some years I’ve even shaken them over snow cover. The results in late spring and early summer are gorgeous flowers loved by the bees and butterflies.
Speaking of butterflies, I understand that many have begun their flight north. Safe travels!
Incidentally, be sure to pay attention. Sometimes we can’t depend on our calendars. Our favorite 2019 calendar, a lovely media gift featuring beautiful photographs, does not have Sunday, March 31, printed on it.
I guess I’m not the only one who makes mistakes.