All posts by Hilda M. Morrill

Viburnums – Berry Beautiful

There are around 150 different species of Viburnums within the Adoxaceae plant family. Deciduous, semi-evergreen, or evergreen, some grow as trees, while other types form bushes. Not all viburnums produce berries (technically drupes), which can be red, black, or blue. Pictured is a Wright Viburnum (Viburnum wrightii), a medium-sized deciduous shrub native to Japan (photo … Continue reading Viburnums – Berry Beautiful

Viburnums - Berry Beautiful

Chrysanthemums – November Birth Flowers

Referred to as “mums” for short, we are told that chrysanthemums symbolize loyalty, friendship, and joy. Called the “November birth flowers,” chrysanthemums are primarily grown as ornamentals. One species is cultivated as a source of the insecticide, pyrethrum. The weather has been unseasonably warm in the Greater Boston Area and the bees have been feasting … Continue reading Chrysanthemums – November Birth Flowers

Chrysanthemums - November Birth Flowers