December is a wonderful time of the year. As families decorate their homes for Christmas and the holidays, poinsettias are a popular addition to the decor. Pink poinsettias have always been a favorite in our home. Incidentally, December 12 was officially declared “National Poinsettia Day” by an Act of Congress in 2002.
For me it’s also fun to bundle up and walk through the garden to see what’s going on during this season. The red winterberries, a species of holly (Ilex verticillata), are spectacular this year and we were able to cut some sprigs to add to our front-steps planter, along with some evergreen and rhododendron cuttings.
Amazingly, the squirrels have not yet found the beautiful berries! However, the rascals continue to dig and chew in the garden, creating lots of damage. Many squirrel nests are now visible in the neighborhood trees now that the leaves have fallen off. We even found a nest in our front-yard cherry tree. Hubby was able to remove it using a long-handle snow roof rake.
As we approach the end of the year, it’s definitely a time for reflection and renewal, or new beginnings. What can I do differently in the garden in 2019? What new plants can I try? What new books can I read?
Coincidentally, I’ve been offered an opportunity to receive a review copy of “Mastering the Art of Vegetable Gardening” by Matt Mattus. Mr. Mattus serves on the Board of Trustees for the Worcester County Horticultural Society, which oversees Tower Hill Botanic Garden, and he is the founder of the New England Dahlia Society. Expected publication of the hard-cover book is in January by Cool Springs Press.
So much to learn!