It has been unseasonably warm for December. In fact, we’re still harvesting lettuce, miscellaneous salad greens and parsley in the vegetable garden without any kind of row covers or protection. However, the weathermen tell us that this weekend we’ll begin to feel the chill of winter.
The hellebores (Helleborus) are beginning to bloom and the flowers are delightful. Some have the common name of “Christmas Rose,” so appropriate for this time of the year. I wish I had planted more of them. Must do so next year.
There are many brown moths visible especially at night around the outdoor lights. We even found a stinkbug in our porch. Let’s hope that there’s no repeat of last year’s indoor “Christmas” flies.
Soon we’ll be filling up the bird feeder outside one of our kitchen windows (easy to do from indoors since the casement windows swing open). Throughout the autumn, we’ve enjoyed watching our feathered friends eating holly berries and whatever it is they find on our so-called lawn (probably crab grass seeds). But it won’t be long until snow arrives and the feeder and blocks of suet will be necessary.
Since the ground has not yet frozen, there is still time to plant some spring flowering bulbs. I know I have some daffodil bulbs hiding somewhere in our basement. Must find them before it’s too late! Of course, I can always plant them in containers with potting soil.
Speaking of potting soil, my neglected indoor plants should be re-potted. Maybe after the New Year!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!