Houseplants definitely belong in our homes. They are ornamental plants adapted for growing indoors and are sometimes called pot or potted plants. The most common are exotic plants native to warm, frost-free parts of the world.
According to a 1989 NASA study, houseplants can help improve air quality by removing cancer-causing chemicals like formaldehyde and benzene from the air.
Charles Hall, Ph.D., professor in International Floriculture in the Texas A&M Department of Horticultural Sciences, has conducted research on the health benefits of plants and nature.
According to Hall, “It’s amazing that just having plants in your home can have such a measurable impact on stress reduction…. Being in nature, going for walks in a park or going camping…. provide an increased level of this impact, but we know that we can help reduce stress daily by bringing nature to us with plants in our home.”
We are told that overall the aloe plant (Aloe barbadensis) is America’s favorite houseplant. Slithering into second place is the snake plant or mother-in-law’s tongue (Dracaena trifasciata, formerly called Sansevieria trifasciata).
Also among the favorites are African violet (Streptocarpus), air plant (Tillandsia), bromeliad (Bromeliaceae), Chinese money plant (Pilea), fiddle leaf fig (Ficus), jade plant (Crassula ovata), lucky bamboo (Dracaena), and spider plant (Chlorophytum).
It’s important to remember that occasionally the botanical names of plants change, and it can be confusing if you are trying to research a particular plant.
The noted horticulturist and gardening expert Melinda Myers recently posted on social media: “Lift your spirits and brighten your indoor décor with a few flowering plants. I know they always make me smile. Right now I have a cyclamen, amaryllis and calla lily blooming in my home doing just that. The National Garden Bureau offers a few more options and advice on keeping them looking their best.”
To learn more from Melinda Myers, be sure to visit