The heat wave continues and some areas of Massachusetts are experiencing severe drought. Although I’ve tried to keep up with the watering, some plants (especially the hostas) don’t look so good.
Many of the aforementioned hostas need dividing and if I get to it, some extra compost in the planting holes should help.
Incredibly, the weeds are flourishing. It just doesn’t seem fair. The crabgrass is lush.
Speaking of weeds, the worst ones were planted by yours truly – for instance autumn clematis that keeps popping up here and there, even though the original plants were removed years ago. Their seeds must live forever. Admittedly, when originally planted and allowed to climb wherever they wanted, the beautiful white flowers were eye catching and very fragrant.
Also weedy are the morning glories that keep appearing even though they also were officially banned years ago. At least, the morning glories are not perennials like the clematis.
Almost “weedy” are the black-eyed Susans (Rudbeckia hirta), but I’m managing to keep ahead of them a bit. It’s so much fun to watch the finches enjoying them.
We’ve enjoyed our first garden tomatoes and some radishes. Everything else is delayed a bit since we were late in establishing the veggie garden. Especially healthy looking is the zucchini squash and we look forward to enjoying both its flowers and “fruits.”
Maybe it’s time for a mid-summer “nutrient boost.” Will check out to see if there’s anything new.
Of course, the resident bunnies and squirrels are naughty and eat or dig up what they shouldn’t. But, they sure are cute.
Pinching and pruning continues, especially as flowers fade.
The Monarch butterflies have returned and they are a joy to watch. We were worried that we wouldn’t see any this year as we keep reading that their numbers are going down.
Of course, the butterflies love the Joe-Pye weed blossoms. I’ve always called it Eupatorium purpureum but now I’m told the name has been changed. Whatever… it’s not a real weed for sure!