As I type this column, I’m reminded that Spring (The Vernal Equinox) has officially arrived and that this should be a time of celebration. Instead, however, we are preparing for the fourth March nor’easter, which is expected to arrive tomorrow afternoon.
The last storm brought us lots of heavy, wet snow and strong winds, which did much damage to trees and light poles in the Greater Boston Area knocking out power for many of the residents. Some neighborhoods near the seashore suffered unheard-of high tides and flooding causing much destruction. The Houghs Neck area of Quincy had to be evacuated, something that has never happened before to the peninsula.
In our own yard, we lost several large limbs off our Seven-Son Tree (Heptacodium miconioides), which we’ve treasured and pampered through the years. Large branches ripped off some of the rhododendrons and forsythia shrubs. The latter probably would not have blossomed this spring anyway, since they blossomed last fall.
Our resident birds have had to do without their feeder off and on, since we’ve taken it down and brought it indoors during the really windy storms.
However, there are some signs of spring in the garden, especially where the recent snowfall has melted and exposed patches of soil. Beautiful white blossoms of snowdrops (Galanthus) and blue Siberian squills (Scilla) are accompanied by the emerging green foliage of daffodils along with those of daylilies and sedums. Let’s hope that the predicted wet snow doesn’t do too much damage to them.
One good thing about the snow cover is that the best results I’ve ever had growing poppies has been when I scattered their seeds directly on the snow over the area where I wanted them to grow.
Interestingly, there have been some flies inside the house. I’ve no idea where they came from!
Alas, I never did get to repot the houseplants, nor plant the coleus cuttings in some potting soil. Maybe during the next couple of weeks.
Enough of this crazy “March Madness” weather.
I’m ready for Spring!