Poinsettias – Dreaming of a White Christmas

Poinsettias - Dreaming of a White Christmas

There are more than 100 varieties of Poinsettias (Euphorbia pulcherrima).

Most people believe that they all are red, but they come in many colors, ranging from the traditional red to pink, burgundy, and white (as pictured in the attached photo by Geoffrey Njue).

Native to Mexico, in 1828 they were introduced to the U.S. by Joel Roberts Poinsett, the first U.S. ambassador to Mexico, and they are named after him.

A popular holiday plant because of its colorful bracts (modified leaves), its real flowers are tiny and yellow and found in the center of the so-called “flower.”

We are told that they are not poisonous, but the sticky white sap can cause a skin rash.

Even if it doesn’t snow, we can still enjoy a White Christmas!

Poinsettias - Dreaming of a White Christmas