Thanksgiving Cactus Time

A blooming Thanksgiving cactus (Schlumbergera truncata) is very popular at this time of the year. But its resemblance to the Christmas cactus (Schlumbergera bridgesii) makes it confusing, not only to shoppers and gift-givers, but also to garden nursery staff members. A Thanksgiving cactus has very pointed, sharp-toothed, claw-shaped projections on its flattened “segmented stem edges” … Continue reading Thanksgiving Cactus Time

Thanksgiving Cactus Time

Early Fall at Blithewold Mansion, Gardens and Arboretum

Early Fall video from October 11, 2023, at Blithewold Mansion, Gardens and Arboretum in Bristol, Rhode Island. Length: 2 minutes. The Van Wickles placed great emphasis on the landscape, particularly Bessie, who was an avid gardener. They hired Bristol author, gardener and landscape architect, John DeWolf to lay out the grounds. DeWolf based his over-arching … Continue reading Early Fall at Blithewold Mansion, Gardens and Arboretum

Dahlias attract bees in the fall garden, blooming until the first frost.