The days are getting longer. Incredibly, in spite of low temperatures and recent snowfalls, we are still harvesting some salad greens and parsley from the vegetable garden, without the benefit of any row covers.
Every day our mailman delivers more plant and seed catalogs for us to peruse. The pictured plants are so pretty that we want them all. But, of course, we must be sensible (Hahaha), especially when the descriptions of some of the featured items indicate that they will not grow well in our Zone 6 region.
We really miss the Christmas decorations although our front door wreath is still up. Speaking of Christmas, one of my favorite gifts was given to me by our precious grandson and his dad. Unbelievably, I’ve never grown an indoor orchid.
So it was such a treat to receive a Phalaenopsis orchid with blossoms in one of my favorite colors – blue. Oh, yes, some gardeners may not like the fact that if I don’t kill it and it survives, new blossoms will be white and not blue, because it’s been dyed. Well, I don’t care. I love, love, love it and will love any future blossoms. So there!
Other fascinating aspects of my new plant are that the flowers seem to imitate “creatures and insects” depending on how closely one looks at them and from what angle – and that the accompanying directions recommend that it be watered with ice cubes!
So, among my New Year’s resolutions is to find out more about orchids and how to grow them indoors.
We also plan on taking advantage of the many wonderful gardening lectures, workshops, demos and book signings scheduled by the many local horticultural societies and gardening clubs. The Massachusetts Horticultural Society, The Arnold Arboretum and Garden in the Woods are just a few.
We’ve also received many interesting new books to review.
Speaking of books, there are some that I would like to re-read. Some of my favorites that come to mind immediately are: “Oh Garden of Fresh Possibilities!” by Kim Smith; “America’s Romance with the English Garden” by Thomas J. Mickey; and “Coffee for Roses + 70 Other Misleading Myths About Backyard Gardening” by C.L. Fornari.
There’s plenty to keep me busy in the New Year for sure!