Daylilies belong to the genus Hemerocallis, but they are not true lilies. This Greek word is made up of two parts: ‘hemera’ meaning day and ‘kallos’ meaning beauty. The name is appropriate, since each flower lasts only one day.
There are more than 35,000 registered daylily cultivated varieties (cultivars). They are among the most carefree of all flowering perennials. The plants grow quickly and are long lived. They thrive in almost any type of soil, will grow in sun or shade, and are rarely troubled by insect pests or disease.
To keep the plants looking their best, snap off the spent flowers, taking care not to disturb nearby buds. As the scapes finish blooming, cut them back to the ground to keep the plants looking neat and prevent them from putting energy into seed production.
Daylilies are known for their toughness, but they also dazzle with their big, colorful flowers.
Some varieties continue to bloom into early fall.