As I type this column, I am reminded of the famous Rodgers and Hammerstein song, “June Is Bustin’ Out All Over!” from the hit musical, “Carousel.” Our June gardens are definitely bursting with blossoms.
Some of the highlights are Foxgloves (Digitalis purpurea), various Clematis, Climbing Hydrangeas (Hydrangea anomala petiolaris), Roses (especially Rosa ‘Zephirine Drouhin’), Blue False Indigo (Baptisia australis), Dogwoods (Cornus Kousa), Peonies (Paeonia lactiflora), Daylilies, and Bridal-Wreath (Spiraea prunifolia), to name but a few.
Of course, not all blossoms are welcome, especially those of the Goutweed (Aegopodium podagraria), which some of our neighbors really seem to admire.
We are removing the browning daffodil foliage and sprinkling some annual seeds in those areas, especially Cosmos and Cleome seeds. If they germinate, any resulting plants will not damage the buried bulbs.
We’ve pruned the tops of the Sedums, Balloon Flowers (Platycodon), and Asters (Aster x frikartii). Although now they will bloom later than usual, their stems will be stronger and not flop over so readily.
Chipmunks and squirrels are plentiful and so is their damage. Sprays have not helped much, but plenty of black pepper seems to be keeping them out of our container plantings. At least we don’t have any bears roaming around, as do some other Greater Boston communities.
The hummingbirds have returned and we give them homemade nectar as often as possible. We’ve seen some butterflies but not too many. Our Butterfly bushes (Buddleias) have been trimmed down while we search for ones that are not invasive.
Just today we received a quart-size plant we had ordered online that we are told “needs no deadheading for continuous bloom.” The best part, if true, is that its flowers are supposed to be sterile, so there should be no unwanted seedlings. Will keep my fingers crossed and will report at a later time. Its name is Buddleia Pugster Blue.
And, yes, today we celebrate the Summer Solstice. Welcome back, Summer! We’ve missed you!