Compost is one of the most significant elements of successful gardening. The making of compost contributes significantly to both the garden and the gardener. It is the essence of recycling; it is the very foundation of organic gardening; and it illustrates the deepest and most meaningful cycle of life and death.
As recycling goes, what could be better than to conserve the energy of all that your garden has produced during the year? All those leaves… weeds, too (provided they are not in seed)… all the grass and plant clippings; indeed everything that comes out of your garden is its produce, not just the flowers and veggies. To send it all away to landfills is a waste of your own natural resources and a burden upon the public land. To put it into a plastic bag first heaps insult upon injury!
Everything thrown out from the kitchen, except meat and dairy products can, and should, go into the compost, rather than into the landfill (or be ground down the sink to further burden the water treatment plants).
…….Peter J. Schenk, Jr., former AOL Gardening Forum Host