Through the years since 1989, when I joined the Garden Writers Association of America (as it was called at the time), there have been so many incredible benefits.
High on the list are the many learning opportunities that continue to this date via the knowledgeable members who are always ready and willing to share. Today the organization is known as Garden Communicators International, and the sharing continues.
A treat for sure has been meeting Renee Shepherd, the founder/owner of Renee’s Garden, a specialty seed company for home gardeners and garden retailers. The multi-talented Renee has not only written about seeds, kitchen gardening, and cooking, but she is also a noted horticultural lecturer, consultant and photographer.
In particular, I’ve enjoyed receiving Renee’s yearly Media Kits full of information for me to learn and share, and most exciting – my choice of complimentary packets of seeds! I still have fond memories of my choices for last year, especially the ‘French Emerite’ Pole Filet Beans, the ‘Endeavor’ Pickling Cucumbers, the ‘Sweetie Baby Romaine’ Container Lettuce, and the ‘Pepperbox Poppy’ Heirloom Herbs, to name a few.
Renee’s descriptions and photos of some of her New 2021 varieties are intriguing – especially the ‘Hestia Dwarf Runner Beans’ described as “Carefree, lush, 12 to 14 inch plants with rich foliage and edible coral and white blossoms. [With a] Cascading habit perfect for pots, window boxes or hanging baskets. [A] Hummingbird favorite!”
A special treat this year was the complimentary packet of ‘Lauren’s Dark Grape’ heirloom poppies, which arrived as part of the 2021 Media Kit. Their description: “Fabulous 4 to 5-inch big, satiny blossoms glow in a deep rich shade of ruby-purple.” Wow!
So, I encourage you to visit Renee’s website www.reneesgarden.com, where you will also be able to sign up to receive her current newsletter. You’ll be glad you did!
In the meantime, I look forward to seeding our new spring garden. New beginnings, for sure!