Many people like to keep their poinsettias “going” long after the holidays. I especially like the ones with white or pink bracts (not really flowers), more so than the red ones.
But whatever color you have, the following are some tips from the University of Minnesota Extension Service Calendar, a holiday gift from my dear friend Deb Brown, a member of the Garden Writers Association and a former Univ. of Minnesota Extension horticulturist.
“Keep holiday poinsettias in tip-top condition for months by placing them near a sunny window and rotating the pots a quarter-turn every couple of weeks.
“Water the soil thoroughly whenever the surface feels slightly dry; don’t wait until leaves begin to wilt. Fertilize monthly at first, then every two or three weeks as days grow longer in March. Always mix your fertilizer half-strength to avoid problems.”
Of course, by summer the colored bracts have usually all died and fallen off (at least for me). I no longer try to save the plants or try to get them to “bloom” again for the next holiday season. Too much work and I guess I’m just too lazy now in my old age.
However, many gardeners do it and do it well.