In spite of the crazy weather we’ve had this summer, from record-setting heat waves and pollen counts, to severe floods and damaging windstorms, we’ve been rewarded with some lovely blooms.
Especially pretty were the daylilies, hostas, coneflowers, black-eyed Susans, and hibiscus, to name a few. Amazingly, even some of our azaleas re-bloomed.
Right now it’s Kousa dogwood “green-berry time” and the squirrels are having a feast. Who knows if there will be any berries left to ripen?
Red berries are also appearing on the female holly bushes, but the birds have not found them yet.
The vegetable garden has been a failure this summer although we have harvested some lettuce, cucumbers, grape tomatoes and radishes. The chives, which are perennial bulbs, always do well.
Amazing this year are the seemingly millions of weeds! The worst ever! Or, if they’re to be judged by size only, they would be considered the best ever.
Of course, weather situations, as well as the excessive pollen count, have kept us indoors unable to do any gardening. On some days I even had to wear a disposable mask to be able to breathe while outside.
We do continue to provide fresh nectar for our visiting hummingbirds that will soon be heading south. We will miss them, for sure!
Today we were saddened to receive a notice from The Berkshire Botanical Garden in Stockbridge that they have made “the heartbreaking decision to cancel” their Annual Harvest Festival, which had been scheduled for October 9-10. Their release noted: “What strange times we’re living in.”
Looking forward on a positive note, “The Old Farmer’s Almanac” is publicizing its 2022 Gardening Calendar, marking its 45th anniversary edition. “A favorite of gardeners, it offers original full-color illustrations, timely gardening advice, fun facts, quotes, and lore.”
As someone recently noted, “Can you be-leaf it’s almost leaf peeping season?” Give us a smile!